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Po Box 410963
San Francisco, CA 94141

A close-knit group of hand bookbinders, with shared interests in creating and collecting fine bindings, joined together to promote hand bookbinding and related book arts and to exchange information and ideas. 

HBC Member Event Calendar

Please mark the dates in your calendar and join us!

Filtering by: ToolTalk

HBC Tool Talk with Kate Holland
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Kate Holland

Kate Holland, one of seven bookbinders to work on binding the text blocks of Booker Prize finalists in 2020, will speak to us about hand bookbinding tools. Perhaps, she keeps mindfulness near her bench? She recently created a talk with the Headspace meditation app. Her talk will be followed by your questions and comments.

Join us to co-create a 21st-century happening.

All HBC Members in good standing—and previous #ZoomToolTalkers—are welcome.

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HBC Tool Talk with Don Glaister
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Don Glaister

Don Glaister, Director of Fine Binding at the American Academy of Bookbinding in Telluride, Colorado, has been studying and making fine bindings and artist’s book for decades. He will talk about a current binding project, El Aleph, and binding itself as a tool.

Join us to co-create a 21st-century happening.

All HBC Members in good standing—and previous #ZoomToolTalkers—are welcome.

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HBC Tool Talk with Jeff Peachey
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Jeff Peachey

Jeff Peachey, a renowned book conservator, tool maker, and book historian will discuss a few of his favorite tools—and perhaps tell us what bookbinding act he was performing when he felt the need to invent one of two of his finely crafted tools. His talk will be followed by your questions and comments.

Join us to co-create a 21st-century happening.

All HBC Members in good standing (and previous #ZoomToolTalkers) are welcome.

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HBC Tool Talk with Sol Rebora & Juan Grosso Diseño
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Sol Rebora & Juan Grosso Diseño

Sol Rebora & Juan Grosso Diseño, who live and work in Buenos Aires, believe that quality of tools makes a huge difference on the quality of the work and it helps to enjoy the process. They will discuss their work—fine binding and tool crafting, respectively—before we kick off a group discussion. Their talk will be followed by your questions and comments.

Join us to co-create a 21st-century happening.

All HBC Members in good standing are welcome.

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HBC Tool Talk with Juliayn Coleman
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Juliayn Coleman

Join us for a Zoom Tool Talk with Juliayn Coleman, whose "private practice encompasses all levels of book repair and conservation, custom portfolio and enclosure making, teaching, and being a good ambassador for the craft of bookbinding in general."

Her talk will be followed by your questions and comments before we drift into a convivial discussion.

All HBC Members in good standing are welcome.

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HBC Tool Talk with John DeMerritt
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with John DeMerritt

If these tools could talk...

John DeMerritt will kick off a group discussion by demonstrating how he uses one or two of his favorite bookbinding tools.

His brief talk will be followed by your questions, comments, and a convivial discussion.

Join us and co-create a 21st-century happening.

HBC Members in good standing are welcome to register for the FREE EVENT. A zoom link will be sent to you following your registration.

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HBC Tool Talk with Coleen Curry
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Coleen Curry

If these tools could talk...

Coleen Curry will kick off a group discussion by demonstrating how she uses one or two of her favorite bookbinding tools.

Her brief talk will be followed by your questions and comments. This event is an experiment for HBC.

Will you show up and ask questions and make observations? Will we segue into discussions about our lives in these extraordinary times?

Join us and co-create a 21st-century happening.

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HBC Tool Talk with Dominic Riley
12:00 PM12:00

HBC Tool Talk with Dominic Riley

Dominic Riley will kick off a group discussion by demonstrating how he uses one of his favorite bookbinding tools.

His brief talk will be followed by your questions and comments. This event is an experiment for HBC. Will you show up and ask questions and make observations? Will we segue into discussions about our lives in these extraordinary times? Join us and co-create a 21st-century happening.

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